Section 4

Section 4 [ Women]

  1. Genesis 29:1-35 is the beginning of a great “Love Story”! Jacob falls madly in love with Rachel! Jacob becomes Israel later on in Genesis and is a very important man leading to the birth of Jesus! Did you know- Jacob had 12 sons and a daughter! Ten sons and a daughter came from women other than Rachel, that being said, Rachel had two sons with Jacob, Joseph and Benjamin! Rachael was his favorite wife, Joseph was his favorite son! Gen. 29:1-35 and Gen.37:3-5.
  1. Adam and Eve had many children! Jewish tradition said they had 33 sons and 23 daughters! Did you know- The important children of Adam and Eve were Seth to Noah, Shem to Abraham, Abraham to David and David to Jesus!

Genealogies are important! Facts: KJB- Old Testament! One more thought- It takes a man and a woman to make a child! 

  1. Ruth was a wonderful woman whom God used to be in the lineage of Christ! Did you know- Ruth was from Moab, thus, she was a Moabitess! Read Genesis 19:30-38. God made Ruth the Great Grandmother of David! If God Almighty could convert Ruth, how about you? 
  1. Did you know- Mary, the Mother of Jesus was mentioned when Jesus was saving us all on the Cross of Calvary! Read John 19: 26,27. How much love Jesus must have had for John to entrust Mary into his care! 

     5-7. There are three [3] unnamed women in Genesis 6-9 besides

Noah’s wife! Did you know- Without the wives of Shem, Ham and Japheth our Bible would be drastically different! I would like to name them! READY-ABLE-LOYAL, Thank you!