Israel Freed

Israel Freed

  1. ◦Moses Born- Ex. 2
  2. The Burning Bush- Ex. 3:1-15
  3. ◦Ten Plagues of Egypt- Ex. 7:14-11: 10
  4. ◦Birth of a Nation- Ex. 12
  5. Israel Crosses the Red Sea- Ex. 14
  6. In the Wilderness- Ex. 15: 23-27
  7. ◦Manna from Heaven- Ex. 16:1-21
  8. ◦The Ten Commandments- Ex.20: 1-17
  9. The Golden Calf- Ex. 32
  10. ◦The Tabernacle- Ex. 40: 16-38
  11. Balaam’s Donkey- Num.22: 1-38
  12. ◦Moses Says Goodbye- Deut.31: 1-8
  13. ◦Moses Sees Promised Land- Deut.34