Part 4

Bible Theology Terms

All Believers will benefit from knowing these terms! Enjoy!

  1. Abba

A term referring to the close personal relationship of the believer to their heavenly Father. The Aramaic word literally means, Papa, Daddy.

  1. Abide

To remain, endure, or continue. It describes union with Christ. John 15:1-10.

  1. Agnostic

A Greek term that literally means unknown, without knowledge, ignorant. An agnostic!

  1. Allegory

A part of Scripture that has a hidden meaning. “Ask, Seek and knock.” Matthew 7:7

  1. Anointing

Applying oil to a person or object. The ceremonial use of this practice is a symbol of the Holy Spirit’s presence upon someone or something. Signifying God’s calling upon those entering the ministry.

  1. Anthropomorphism

To appoint human features ( hands or arms) or other human characteristics to God. The finger of God, sitting at His right hand, Father, Son etc.

  1. Apologetics

The science of defending and explaining the faith to a nonbeliever.

  1. Apostasy

To fall away, or defect from the faith! Read 2 Thes. 2:3. 

  1. Apostles

A messenger, refering to the 12 men that were chosen by Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry.

  1. Apostolic Age

The period of the Christian church starting with the resurrection of Jesus Christ and ending with the death of the last Apostle around A.D. 90.

  1. Arminian

This is a type of Protestant theology taught by a Dutch theologian named James Arminius (1560-1609).

  1. Backsliding

To go against God. To turn back from a present spiritual condition. The term implies moving in a direction away from God.

  1. Beatitudes

Jesus preached about Beatitudes in The Sermon on the Mount! Mt. 5, 6 and 7.

  1. Benediction

A prayer for God’s blessing, or thanks. Usually in a prayer at the end of a worship service.

  1. Bible

Biblos, meaning book(s). Literally, the Word of God, 66 Books KJB. Praise God!

  1. Biblical theology

A branch of theology that describes spiritual doctrines!

  1. Calvinism

A description of the theology of John Calvin (1509-1564). The key emphasis of this theology is presented as an acronym called “TULIP”. Total depravity of man, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, and Perseverance of the Saints.

  1. Cannon

A term used to describe those Books which measure up to being Inspired.

  1. Carnal Mind

The carnal mind is ruled by the flesh and is in opposition to the mind of Christ.

  1. Charisma, Charismatic

A set of terms especially associated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  1. Christ

Greek for Anointed. Equivalent to the Hebrew Messiah. The Titles of Jesus!

  1. Christology

Christian theology dealing with identity of Jesus Christ!

  1. Circumcision

A Jewish rite involving the cutting off of the foreskin of the male genital, usually on the eighth day after birth, signifying the covenant relationship between God and His people.

  1. Confession

Biblically it refers to admitting our sin to God for His promise of cleansing. 1 Jn. 1:9.

  1. Creed

A definition or summary of the Christian faith. The most important are known as the Apostles’ creed and the Nicene creed.

  1. Decalogue

Ten words. The Ten Commandments. Exodus 20.

  1. Dispensationalism

A theological term that refers to different periods of time!

  1. Depravity, Total Depravity

The doctrine saying that because of the fall of Adam in the garden all of mankind inherits a sinful nature!

  1. Ecclesiology

The study of the Church.

  1. Eschatology

The section of Christian Theology describing the End Times. It describes the issues of end time prophesy, such as, Rapture, Judgment Seat of Christ, Marriage Supper orf the Lamb, Millennialism, The Tribulation and the Second Coming of Christ.

  1. Elect, election

To be chosen for a specific use. In 1 Peter 1:2, we are told that the “elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus.” To be elected, therefore, is to be separated from “the world,” and sanctified by the Spirit, and by the blood of Christ!

  1. Eternal Security

This is the belief that once a person truly believes in Jesus Christ he/she will always be saved!

  1. Evangelical

People who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

  1. Exegesis

The Science of textual interpretation of the Bible. Usually this is done verse by verse!

  1. Foreknowledge

Foreknowledge is a part of the fantastic power of God!  God is All Powerful, All Knowing and Everywhere, All the Time!

  1. Fundamentalism

A very conservative interpretation of the Bible! Polar opposites of Liberalism!


  1. Godhead

A term found three times in the King James version of the Bible, Acts 17:29; Rom. 1:20; Col. 2:9. The term signifies Divinity and Unity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  1. Grace

Unmerited favor towards the unbelievers! Getting salvation you don’t deserve!   Read Eph. 2: 8,9.

  1. Hermeneutics

The study of Bible Interpretation!

  1. Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit

The Third Person of the Trinity. Also named as the Comforter and Advocate. He gives power, gifts, and guidance to the believer in whom He resides. He is Co-Equal with God The Father and God the Son, Jesus!

  1. Humanism

It is a faith in the goodness of man and a confidence that he can resolve all issues without any need for a God.

  1. Hypostatic Union

The Belief that Jesus is 100% God and 100% man at the same time!

  1. Justification

God only views us as just, having nothing against us, if He sees Jesus in our heart!

  1. Mercy

To abstain from inflicting deserved punishment!

  1. Orthodoxy

A right belief as opposed to heresy!

  1. Parousia

A Greek term, which literally means coming! This term is used to describe the Second Coming of Christ.

  1. Predestination

To for-ordain that something will happen! There is not a single instance where the word predestination is used in the Bible relating to the salvation of any individual! Rom. 8:29-30, states clearly what is predestined; it is that those that are called (a term referring to those who receive the gracious gift of Jesus, salvation, are predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, which is sanctification!

  1. Protestant

Describes those who “protest” against the practices and beliefs of the Roman Catholic church. This movement describes those groups who were an outgrowth of the Reformation.

  1. Reformation

The time period where Martin Luther, Zwingli, John Calvin, and others shifted the world of Christianity away from Roman Catholicism through the emphasis of salvation by Faith! They rejected rhe authority of the “Pope”!

  1. Reprobate

It is the state of mankind, in its fallen spiritual state, apart from the grace of God! Scripture uses this term to describe those individuals that have willfully rejected the intercession and calling of God upon their heart!

  1. Sacrament

The belief that certain acts were promoted by Christ, and the early church, that were set apart and sacred! Protestant theologians generally believe that baptism and the Lord’s Supper are sacred!

  1. Sanctification

To make holy! Synonyms of this term in the New Testament are purity, holiness, cleansing, and perfection! It is significant to note that the Scriptures always exhort the believer to be pure and holy during their lifetime. The Scriptures present this as an action of the Holy Spirit that is worked within the believer after justification, but before glorification!

  1. Sermon on the Mount

Chapters 5-7 of Matthew’s gospel! Moral principles for us taught by Jesus!


  1. Sin

The branch of theology called Hamartiology. To miss the mark; failing. A deviation or transgression of God’s will. It is what separates mankind from God, resulting in eternal condemnation. “The wages of sin is death…” (Rom. 6:23). The only remedy for sin is the death, burial and resurrection of Christ! “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23).

  1. Soteriology

The section of Christian theology discussing the Doctrine of Salvation!

  1. Synoptic gospels

A term used to describe the first three gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). The term refers to the way in which the three gospels can be seen as providing similar summaries of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  1. Systematic theology

A branch of theology that connects doctrines to a system. The attempt is to show the connection of all doctrines as a consistent whole.

  1. Theology

It is the Science of the study of God. It usually speaks of the nature of God (Theology), the nature of man (Anthropology), the effect of sin (Hamartiology), salvation (Soteriology), and end times (Eschatology).

  1. Trinity

The Doctrine describing God as Three persons, One God! The Father, Son, Jesus and Holy Spirit! Three Persons, coequal and existing in unity as One God.

  1. Works

Good deeds or good fruit produced in the believer. The Scriptures demand the necessity of good works (Jn.15:5, Eph.2:10, Col. 1:10, James 2:17), for they are the evidence and fruit of saving faith. The Scriptures also condemn the idea that anyone can merit salvation through works (Eph 2:8-9, Rom. 4:2-4). Good works are the result of Christ working in and through us. Salvation first, then works!