All About Jesus
- Jesus Born- Luke 1: 2
- Gabrial’s Message- Luke 1:26-38
- The Wise Men- Matt. 2: 1-12
- Escape to Egypt- Matt. 2: 13-23
- John the Baptist- Matt. 3: 1-12
- Jesus is Baptised- Matt. 3: 13-17
- Jesus & Satan- Matt.4: 1-11
- The First Disciples- Matt. 4: 18-22
- A Wedding in Cana- John 2: 1-11
- John the Baptist- Matt. 14: 1-12
- Feeding Five Thousand- Matt. 14: 13-21
- The Centurion’s Servant-Matt. 8: 5-13
- Jesus Calms a Storm- Matt. 8: 23-27
- Jesus Calls Matthew- Matt. 9: 10-13
- Jairus’ Daughter Resurrected- Matt. 9: 18-26
- Through the Roof to Jesus- Mark 2: 1-12
- You Must be Born Again- John 3: 1-21
- Jesus Walks on Water- Matt. 14: 22-33
- Who do You Say I am?- Matt. 16: 13-20
- The Transfiguration- Matt. 17: 1-13
- Jesus Heals a Young Boy- Matt. 17: 14-21
- A Child Among the Disciples- Matt. 18: 1-6
- A Blind Man Sees- John 9: 1-34
- Mary & Martha- Luke 10: 38-42
- Lazarus: Back from the Dead- John 11:1-46
- Permit the Little Children- Matt.19: 13-15
- The Rich Young Ruler- Matt. 19: 16-22
- Zaccheus- Luke 19: 1-10
- Jesus Enters in Triumph- Matt. 21: 1-11
- Cleansing of the Temple- Mark 11: 15-19
- Widow’s mite- Mark 12: 41-44
- The Greatest Commandment- Mt. 22:34-40
- The Lords Supper- Matt. 26: 17-30
- Garden of Gethsemane- Matt. 26: 36-56
- Jesus on Trial- Matt. 27: 1-26
- Peter Denies Jesus- Matt. 26: 69-75
- The Crucifixion- Matt. 27: 31-56
- Jesus is Buried- Matt. 27: 57-66
- The Resurrection- Matt. 28: 1-15
- The Emmaus Road- Luke 24: 13-35
- The Ascension- Acts 1: 6-11